13 Ways to generate leads for freight brokers

  1. Do your research before you reach out to your prospect
  2. Define upfront, “What’s in it for him/her and What’s in it for me. So what’s in it for us!
  3. Asses needs. Ask “why”, “why” and “why” again. This will help you getting a better understanding about what is being asked for and the reason behind the question.
  4. Build a relationship.
  5. Expect resistance from prospects. Their perception is your truth. Accept it and deal with it in a positive manner.
  6. Understand the principle “People buy People”. If the other person likes you, he/she is more likely to buy from you.
  7. Know that people love to spend money. It’s true. Look around you.
  8. Do what you promise, deliver up to it!
  9. Stay focused on the right people and set a clear end goal
  10. Qualify your leads properly
  11. Set and manage expectations
  12. Be realistic
  13. Utilize digital lead generation tools like Zendeq.com rather than spending your money on expensive Search Engines and SEO/SEA campaigns.
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