Do not use a broker, they source and buy on your behalf and add a fee (sometimes up to 10-20%) to their buying price for their services. This might not always be in sync with the services you get. Especially not for more expensive (freight) shipments;
Do not use a freight brokerage platform, they source and buy on your behalf and add a fee (sometimes up to 10-20%) to their buying price for their services. This might not always be in sync with the services you get. Especially not for more expensive (freight) shipments;
Source and buy directly from the carriers when you can. You can use a platform like Zendeq for this. Zendeq is not a broker. You might save up to 20%;
Redefine your current freight procurement process. Does it invlove many intermediates? Find ways to elimiate intermediates. Work towards disintermediation.
Do not agree upon long term carrier contracts;
Benchmark regulary;
For more expensive shipments, always request quotes from multiple carriers;
Utilize the freight spot market;
Never rely on one single carrier, but work with multiple carriers;
Make sure you have a good relationship with all your carriers. Make sure they all get a piece of the pie. Avoid mostly work with one or two and (ab)use the rest for benchmarking. You will jeopardize your relationship and you will end up not receiving any quotes anymore.