Search Engine for transport and freight services
Zendeq, an alternative search engine focused solely on transport, freight, warehousing and fulfillment services. With that Zendeq offers an alternative to search engines like Bing, DuckDuckGo, Ecosia, Brave, Yahoo!, Qwant, Swisscows, Search Encrypt, StartPage, SearX, Yandex, Gibiru, Disconnect and Google.
The Zendeq Search Engine for transport and freight services, differs quite a bit from other search engines:
- Zendeq only supports the transport, freight, warehousing and fulfillment sector.
- The businessmodel is based upon a fixed flat fee per month, so no expensive costs per click.
- Every user pays the same amount, so equally fair promotion and advertising changes.
- Shippers can select you when you appear in their search result and can directly send you an inquiry or quote request.
- 100% Unbiased.
- Very suitable for small and medium sized business with hardly no or a small marketing budget.
- Optional banners and/or advertorial text can be published on request.
- Online promotion and advertising at a very low cost, but laser focussed.
If you want to learn more, or sign up check