Rik Savelkoul-Services

Born, Netherlands

Company info

Jan van Valkenburgstraat 18
6121 XM Born

Website and contact


About Rik Savelkoul-Services

Rik Savelkoul-Services is a logistics company in , Nederland


Rik Savelkoul-Services on the map

Company warehouses

Specialisations and services

Modalities: Road

Services: Freight forwarding and Transportation & Freight

Business areas: Transportation & Freight and Warehousing, Fulfillment & Contract Logistics

Goods: Dry bulk cargo, General cargo / Break Bulk (packed/unpacked goods in batches and single pieces), Liquid / Wet Bulk Cargo, Medicines & Vaccines, and Valuable goods

Industries: Automotive, Fashion & Lifestyle, Industrial, Pharma & Healthcare, Retail, and Technology & Electronics

Commodity Expertises: Consumer Goods, Industrial Building Materials, Manufactured Goods, and Non-Perishable Food Items



Company pictures

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