Airport Julius Nyerere International Airport | Tanzania, the United Republic of

Seaports in Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania, the United Republic of:

Dar Es Salaam

Freight Forwarders in Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania, the United Republic of:

Dar Es Salaam has no freight forwarders

Other Airports in Tanzania, the United Republic of:

Pemba Airport
Mtwara Airport
Mwanza Airport
Musoma Airport
Mafia Island Airport
Songwe Airport
Lake Manyara Airport
Lindi Airport
Abeid Amani Karume International Airport
Kilwa Masoko Airport

Airport Julius Nyerere International Airport | Tanzania, the United Republic of

Airport: Julius Nyerere International Airport | IATA Code: DAR | ICAO code: HTDA

Country: Tanzania, the United Republic of | ISO-alpha2 / Country Code:



Latitude: -6.87811 | Longitude: 39.202599 | Altitude in feet: 182

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