Airport Offutt Air Force Base | United States of America

Seaports in Omaha, United States of America:

Omaha has no seaports

Other Airports in United States of America:

Worland Municipal Airport
Wilkes Barre Wyoming Valley Airport
North Las Vegas Airport
Upolu Airport
Draughon Miller Central Texas Regional Airport
Teller Airport
Syracuse Hancock International Airport
St Paul Downtown Holman Field
Albert Whitted Airport
San Angelo Regional Mathis Field

Airport Offutt Air Force Base | United States of America

Airport: Offutt Air Force Base | IATA Code: OFF | ICAO code: KOFF

Country: United States of America | ISO-alpha2 / Country Code:



Latitude: 41.118301 | Longitude: -95.912498 | Altitude in feet: 1052

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